Tree Compression with Top Trees Revisited
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCoderEncode RePair output
 CHashTableRePair hash table using hashing with open addressing and linear probing
 CPQEntryRepresents a Priority Queue Element. These can be chained into a list
 CPrepairPrepare data for RePair by consolidating the input symbols
 CPriorityQueueRePair Priority Queue
 CRecordsThis class holds the text as it undergoes replacements in RePair
 CRePairMain RePair compression algorithm
 CHashCombinerCombine hash values
 CHashMapSpecialised hash map for RePair
 CPriorityQueueSpecialised bucket priority queue for RePair
 CRecordA RePair record consisting of a hash value, a frequency, and an occurence list
 CRecordFrequencyComparatorCompare RePair records by frequency (>)
 CRecordsA list of RePair records
 CArgParserParse command-line arguments
 CBitWriterUnfinished, untested, unused bit writer
 CBlockedHuffmanWriterUnfinished writer for blocked Huffman codes
 CBPStringConvert tree to BP string & label char collection
 CClusterCluster type for a top tree, holding a pointer to some data
 CDagEntropyCalculate the different entropies of a TopDag - its structure, its merge types, and its labels
 CDagNodeThis is a node type for use in a DAG
 CDebugInfoHolds debug information about a tree compression run
 CDotGraphExporterBase class for exporting various graphs (or trees) as DOT files
 CEntropyCalculatorCalculate entropy of a sequence of symbols
 CFakeLabelsDummy labels that always return the same value for each index
 CFileWriterUNFINISHED Top DAG writer. Don't use
 CHuffInnerNodeAn inner node in a Huffman tree
 CHuffLeafA leaf in a Huffman tree
 CHuffmanBlockerConstructs a blocked Huffman coding
 CHuffmanBuilderGeneric Huffman Code Builder. Only constructs code, does not en-/decode
 CHuffmanWriterUnfinished Huffman code writer
 CHuffNodeA node in a Huffman tree (base class)
 CIdLabelsHashing modulo-wrapping label generator (NOT UNIFORM)
 CLabelDataEntropyBase class for Label entropy calculation. Define specialisation for your data types
 CLabelDataEntropy< std::string >Compute entropy of a set of label strings
 CLabelsA key-value label storage
 CLabelsTA label interface (pure virtual)
 CNavigationRecordRepresents an entry in the DAG stack
 CNavigatorNavigate around in an in-memory Top DAG
 CNodeHasherHash a node for RePair combiner
 COrderedTreeOrdered tree data structure
 COrderedTreeDotGraphExporterExport a tree as a DOT graph
 CPreorderTraversalTraverse an in-memory Top DAG in preorder
 CProgressBarA simple progress bar
 CRandomLabelsUniformly random labels
 CRandomTreeGeneratorGenerates ordered unlabelled trees uniformly at random
 CRePairCombinerTransform a tree into its top tree
 CStatisticsA statistics aggregator
 CStatWriterA completely thread-safe statistics writer
 CSubtreeEqualityDagNode equality tester, to enable its use in a map
 CSubtreeHasherDagNode hasher to enable its use in a map
 CTimerTA flexible timer
 CTimerT< TimeT, 1, typename TimeT::rep >Timer specialisation for a scaling factor of 1 (non-scaling)
 CTopDagA binary DAG that is specialised to be a top tree's minimal DAG
 CTopDagConstructorTransform a tree into its top tree
 CTopDagDotGraphExporterExport a Top DAG as a DOT graph
 CTopDagUnpackerUnpack a binary DAG to its original top tree
 CTopTreeTop tree data structure
 CTopTreeDotGraphExporterExport a Top Tree as a DOT graph
 CTopTreeUnpackerUnpack a TopTree into its original OrderedTree
 CTreeEdgeEdge type for use with an OrderedTree
 CTreeNodeA node for an OrderedTree
 CTreeSizeEstimationCompute size of a succinct encoding of a tree
 CXmlParserRead an XML file into a tree, using RapidXml
 CXmlWriterXML tree writer (empty template for overloading)
 CXmlWriter< OrderedTree< NodeType, EdgeType > >OrderedTree XML tree writer
 CXmlWriter< TopTree< DataType > >Top tree XML writer